Well, I've run out of pictures from my trip. I didn't post every picture I took, just a lot of them.
To wrap my story up: I ended up coming back to America early. Rather than staying until late May, I came home at the end of February. There were a few reasons for this, first of all I missed Jenna and wanted to see her. Oman was also starting to warm up again, and the prospect of hot weather wasn't very appealing to me. I had a great time in Oman, but all good things must come to an end (especially with hot temperatures looming!).
I'm really glad I came back when I did, not only to see Jenna but also to get my law school plans figured out. Coming back early allowed me to visit my top two schools again, and to pick the school I'm going to in the fall: Vermont Law School (located in South Royalton, Vermont). It's the top environmental law school in the nation, and probably the world. It's also not that far from where Jenna lives, just about 2 hours away. I start in just a few months, and have 3 long years ahead of me. Hopefully time will go fast and I'll find the career niche I've been looking for all of these years.
I hope you enjoy reading about what I did in my 2 months in Oman, looking back it was an adventure I'm glad I took. I met some great people, had some good times, and had an adventure that I'll remember forever.
If you want to read my blog from the beginning of my trip, you should start from my first post. The blog isn't strictly chronological, but it does kind of move that way. You can click on any of the pictures to enlarge them, and they're all awesome so you should!